Bright and early, without much sleep, I made it to the gym! It wasn’t easy, but I did it anyways. Morning workout went well, with Legs Day today so plenty of squatting going on! Now that the weather is improving, it is starting to get a little more crowded at the gym as well, even at 5 a.m.
Went for all my errands, including shipping at FedEx, and finished it quickly and easily at least. Was able to go with Kat to her doctor’s appointment which went well! Today was also Sprints Day! Hammered out a solid 11.02 miles on the recumbent bike in 39 minutes.
So excited, only 8 days to go!
Did a fair amount of reading today as well, with Start With Why, and the book is covering how belief is at the core of success in driving people. If you don’t believe you will never buy or invest in anything. Martin Luther King Jr. and is amazing “I have a dream” speech are at the core of this section. Martin Luther King Jr. knew Why he was upset with things and how they were going. He didn’t even know the How at times. He just knew that things could be more equal. His speech was so powerful that even without the How he was able to change a nation for the better. His speech was listened to by 250,000 people live and even more through television and the massive amount of coverage of the speech since that famous day!
It’s exciting stuff, and I can’t wait to see how it can all apply to my own life! He inspired people! I’m dozing off just trying to write this, so I’m going to keep it short tonight!