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Day 36 – Digging In Today

I feel like things aren’t going to get easier any time soon, that I’m just going to have to fight my way through the complications of the day lately.  One of our errands today that was only going to be an hour ended up taking three hours, which put everything else scheduled for today WAY behind.  It’s not that it was a problem, in fact it was for a good reason and relatively necessary, but it doesn’t change the fact that nothing else we had planned got done.  With everything in flex, it all had to be moved around and re-figured out. 

The only thing that completed on time today was my morning workout which was done first.  Still Chest Day, with a few minor tweaks, like adding Reverse Crunches this week.  Cardio, which got pushed to after lunch today, was good with 2.31 miles walked on the treadmill in 45 minutes.  My water intake was up again, after realizing that I totally dropped the ball over the weekend, slipping to under 50 ounces a day.  Today I’m back up to 90 ounces, which I need to be for proper hydration with all the sweating and working out I’m doing.  It will help flush all those toxins out, and help with recovery, etc. I’m sure!

I’ve started a new book for this week, which is nice because I was sorely disappointed with how Blink ended, which I mentioned last night.  Today I started The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.  Thus far, it sounds like it’s going to be more investigative and explorative than Blink, which was more observational in nature. I’m hoping I can get more out of this book for personal growth, and perhaps be able to change some of those less positive habits that I have built up over the years.  I will let you know how it goes!

The last few days of my Master Class videos have all been about building a Personal Creed.  You can do this by exploring your values and narrowing it down to 5 of the most important values, then adding definitions and actions that you’d like to keep in mind regarding those values.  Then you can use some of those definitions and actions to build a short but valuable Creed.  They encourage you to post it somewhere you can see it regularly, so that you can remind yourself of the values that are important, and how you are going to achieve them on a daily/weekly basis.  It’s interesting and I may need to do this and work on something for myself…something to really think about, don’t you think?  What should my Personal Creed be?  Should I develop one with the whole family as well?  They should be different…so why not, right?

After dinner I just needed to sit down and get all the rest of my tasks done.  Finish my reading, write in my Gratitude Journal, get all my logging done for the day, do some bible study, etc.  The only way I was going to finish is by Digging In Today!