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Day 15 – The Unexpected

So, today was a day I didn’t expect in a few ways…

First off, today had some really good points to it!  Morning workout was Chest day…still having some trouble with a couple of exercises because my gym does not have a flat bench upstairs, where I do all of the rest of my exercises, so I’m having to do leg lifts as an alternate lower ab workout to Flat Bench Knees to Elbows.  I put in a request for a flat bench upstairs, but I don’t know if anything will come of it.  There is a recline bench, and incline bench and an adjustable bench with a tilted seat all up there, so I’m hoping it won’t be too difficult for the gym to get one, but we’ll see.

Also, while at the park for my cardio workout, my wife pleasantly surprised me by getting some paperwork filled out that we needed done, and handling phone calls for that too!  She was impressive today with her forethought and handling of tasks, made me smile.

I also got to have an amazing hour long heart to heart with my oldest son, which really felt good.  I’ve been feeling distant from him a little lately, especially with being so busy at times between work and the Deliberate Discomfort challenge and our daily appointments.  This long heart to heart really was great, a very in depth conversation talking about great things for the future and our relationships with God…really comforting and pleasant.  One of my favorite conversations with him in a good long time.

Then we came home and got to lunch and some extra tasks while the kids took a nap, and I was able to just bust out everything else I needed to do for the challenge, and I’m writing this at 5:30 pm, which is AMAZING!  I think I’m just thrilled because, in a great way, there is just so much of The Unexpected!