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Day 39 – Good Night!

Today has been a very long one, and it has had it’s challenges too, but we made it through anyways!

We have had ongoing problems with our cars, took them to a mechanic, who didn’t fix any of them in the end, because he couldn’t replicate the problems we were having with them. We are needing to go out of town for a couple of days and really didn’t need these frustrations today, which have been taking their toll on Kat, but we got them anyways! They have us both just worn out completely, we are tapped out…plain old tired!

We had workmen over at the house doing some upgrades for us, we had to deal with the situations above, we’ve had to pack for our trip out of town, which the littles are persistently excited about it, which doesn’t help one get ready to go and get everything packed well. The stress of it all wore me out, and I only dealt with a third of it when compared to what Kat dealt with. It’s just one of those days!

Morning workout went well enough…figured out a couple of the machines to do parts of my workout on, so I don’t have to track down barbells from people that are already using them. This is giving me options to ensure I can do my workout either way…which is nice.

Afternoon cardio also went well, getting 2.13 miles in on a 45 minute walk through my favorite park. Always pleasant because a number of the regulars know me and we all say Hello or Hi to each other as we pass, every single lap we make. Just gets to feel good when everyone smiles and says hello, you know?

Also had a great conversation with a friend about his career and how long his family has been in it. Was nice to catch up a little. Most everything else went well also. Gratitude journal was about how thankful I am that we completed our trip without issue, despite all the challenges we faced today! We are beat, so I will cut it short. Good Night!