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Day 37 – Hard to Believe We’re Here

This morning’s workout was Circuit Day with the Barbell Complex, which sometimes takes me a little extra work as I have to look up half the barbell moves still because I don’t remember which is which yet, but I got through it.  Second set is Dumbbell Slashers and Superman Holds and the good old Jane Fonda Hip Complex, which has a purpose more than it sounds! LOL

Rest of the day was amazing, honestly!  Was able to get a work project out the door, was able to get 2 days worth of 2 different bible studies caught up, was able to complete the rest of my daily tasks without trouble today too, so that nothing is behind tomorrow!  That feels good, like REALLY GOOD!

Afternoon Cardio workout went well, with a 2.79 mile hike through the park in 61 minutes.  Was a little cold today and breezy, but that’s still a pretty brisk pace for me under those circumstances, so that felt good too!

Today I was even able to get here, sit down, and get the blog updated at a decent time, it’s not even 9 pm yet!  I might be able to get some real sleep tonight, if all goes well.  And if not, it will only be because I decided to get more bible study caught up, which will also feel good!  Either way, what a great day!

Thirty Seven Days in…can you believe it?  Been a whole week since we hit the half-way point, and it seems like yesterday.  My knowledge of workout exercises is unbelievably more robust than it was 37 days ago, that’s for sure!  I’ve started looking at some of the equipment for some of my exercises instead of just barbells and dumbbells all the time, thinking about using them soon, or in the future?  Hard to believe I’m even entertaining the idea compared to where I was before I started!  I feel healthy from eating well, and feel like my internal systems are working better because of the exercise. I feel like I’m accomplishing more in a day than I ever used to before (even if I don’t always feel able to get to the things I want).  The Deliberate Discomfort Challenge is doing some good on the inside too!  I’m thinking better, more clearer, about much deeper, more important things.  I’m not feeling so mentally lazy, spiritually lazy, emotionally lazy!  Professionally I feel like it still needs work because I’m not getting enough work done…but I’m getting through that and working through it with Kat.  She feels the pressure too, and I don’t like that it’s adding pressure to her life any, but neither one of us is sure what we should do to correct it.  We’ve talked at length about it.  We are waiting until the 60 days is over, and seeing how things work then.  How I’m feeling, what maintenance would look like, if I need to keep going on certain pieces to keep losing more of the weight, etc. 

What I can say, is that it’s making a big difference in my life, and I’m so excited to be getting through it all.  Looking back at it all, it’s Hard to Believe We’re Here!  In a good way…