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Day 11 – The Roller Coaster

OK, so the title is exactly what today was, a roller coaster of a day.  There was good, there was a little bad, and there was a whole lot going on today.  Morning workout went well enough, being shoulders day.  Had the gym completely to myself for my entire workout, which was kind of nice and peaceful in its own way.

Got to the park and got my walk and exercises done later in the day without issue, but was a little crunched for time on the rest of my tasks compared to some days due to a few errands I had to run, shipping a package and dropping off a return, etc.  Still, overall, not bad.

Called a friend and he started talking about how he heard gunshots near his office and was outside checking things out…??  What??  No, man, you go back inside and stay safe!  LOL  He told me they weren’t that close and they are close to a rough area where you hear things like that every so often, but made my heart skip a beat for a second!

Once I got home from all that, had a nice lunch and then found out that one of the work projects we had needed to be redone a completely different way than how we did it yesterday, and already shipped it.  That’s a little frustrating and piled on the work a little, but that is something I can finish up over the weekend and get it out quickly enough.

Then I stuck my foot in my mouth with the beautiful Kat today and totally responded all aggressive to something that I didn’t need to, which made for a tense couple of moments…but I think we finally sorted it all out.

Then had some great reading moments in my book 12 Week Year, where I’m learning about how Greatness is achieved long before you are recognized for anything.  Once an athlete gets a gold medal, he has already been great for a while, just now he has received a reward for it.  Greatness happens the day you start making the necessary decisions to achieve your dreams and goals.  The day you decide your going to make it happen to matter what.  That is the day you achieve greatness!  Loved that!

Here’s to finding my way soon, to achieve Greatness soon!  The Deliberate Discomfort Challenge should be a big part of that, and I know our Experiencing God bible study is already keeping us in the right direction too, so hopefully we see some solid improvement when they are both all said and done, you know?

Anyways, lots of other great little moments in there, and plenty of other rough little patches in there as well, so it was just one of those kind of days…thus it being dubbed The Roller Coaster.